A bad end, a good start...

Saturday, September 22, 2007


lame x tgk muke korunk ney....hurmx..x tw nk cakap pe kt sini....cam biase lorh....lepas korunk mem'blah'kan diri korunk dari SBPik....later it will be me and my frens the galileians 2007...... amacam....sronok ke da kuar skolah??..tp...bile bace balik ape yg di tulis oleh si halmi tuh..there's still logic behind it...*bkan logic gate ney*...ye la...kite protes mse kt skol...pstu..bile pk2 balik...kite cam budak2 je..*i still against the rule*.....that's d nature of d human..or secara saintifiknye..homosapien..a creature that never satisfied and always keep against and rebel..... till then pls pray for our success in upcomin' SPM!!

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hasta Pronto

aku kat dalam kapsul solar UniTeN
(korang ingat snang ke nak masuk dlm. international prop nie. tu pon aku curik2 msuk)

Assalamualaikum sumer.. Slamat berpose. Aku nak announce, blog nie akan dibukak untuk sumer warga Galileo, tak kisah batch mane. So, klau korang budak Galileo, form 4@5, tolong bagi emel korang kat aku.. Blog nie still under maintenance. Aku tgh update menda2 baru untuk disumbat... Klau ader pape cadangan, sile-sile lah inform ok?

Monday, September 10, 2007

bulan puase.....

hai...sedar xsedar dah nak mnyambut bulan ramadhan almubarak dah kan??
cepat gile mse blalu..kire2 dah nak dkt 3bulan aku kat sni..korg yg stat blajar awl2 dlu mst dah dpt biasekan diri ngan idup dkampus..n kite pun sbnrnye msing2 dah mningkat dewasa....(sape xwish aku pnye arijadi ari2,bek cpt2 mntak ampun!!!)

xdlu mse kite smbut bln puase kat asrama??byk gile kngn2 yg mmg susah gile aku nak lupekan..mmg r wktu2 kite xsdr yg mnda2 akan mmbuat pngalaman kite mse kat sbpik dlu lg indah sbb kite xsuka bile byk mnda kite prlu wat ngan ikut arahan..kite mst ade rse tnsion,nak abiskan skul cpt dn mcm2 lagi..(ade yg ciap bdendam ngan warden@cikgu2 kan???)..n aku pcaya skrg ni kite dah mula rse rndu ngan suasana yg mcm dlu..kalo kite pk secara logistik,sume yg kite lalui mase kat bangku sekolah dlu ilh utk ajar kite jdik mnusia bile dah kuar dari kpompong usia muda..cube korg tngok r remaja baye2 kite skg ni..mcm2 gejala negatif yg dorg tjebak,(harap2 kite sume thindar dari sume mnda2 cmni)nak bgitahu pun korg sndiritau ape yg blaku kat luar sanakan??sumenye sbb dorg kurg didikan tutamanye dlm bab2 disiplin..aku tau sbb aku pun ade gak member2 cmni...

kalo kite plak time dlu duk kat bangku skolah asyik kne hlg je kalo kite nak wat ape yg kite suke..bg kite ape ape yg kite wat tu btl dan hak kite nak wat ape yg kite suke2kan?tp ade je hlgn coz kite duk kat asrama@lbey dtail:sekolah berasrama penuh:
dmna yg nak lhirkan bkl2 mnusia yg b'ilmu dan b'kepimpinan dmase akan dtg...so,mcm2 caralah yg kite wat utk memprotes sgale tindak tanduk kite yg dianggap serong oleh cikgu2...ade yg wat bodo jek,ade yg ngutk,dan byk lgik r..tp nak wat cmane,i2 mmg sikap manusia,t'utama org muda bile sgala tindakannye adlah paradoks ngan anggapan orglaen...we thougt that we'all that always true,tp sbnrnye dlm arah nak mndidik seseorg,mmg ksilapan yg harus sntiasa dpandang bukan???if not,kite pun xtau yg kite ni dmane silapnye...

oklah,berbalik pade kngan kite sume td,,..mmg xpat dsangkalyg sbpik ade mninggalkan kngan pd kite sume,kalo xbykpun,it still ade tnggalkan kesan pd idup kite skgnikan??
bg aku,aku lbih rse bule bdikari wlupun without sape2..sbb,asrama yg byk ajaraku idup cmtu dlu,study pun dah tau masenye,coz mse kat asrama dlu sape xblajar,die r yg rugi..sng kate,now,every single things we nid to do it by ourself right?nak uruskan duit pun kite kne lbih bijak,kalo x,bg stdnt yg prlu atur duit mkn sndiri,kalo xpndi nak save,mmg r sengkek ujung bulan nnt....

hmm...aku hrp2 r korg phm ape point yg nak aku smpikan..kurg2nye dlm blog kite ni,ade gak r mnda bmanafaat yg bule dbawa ketengah...xgitu...?ingat r,kat manepun kite brpijak..(2psl r jgn mrempit,kalo ilang kaki korg nak bpijak guna ape???)..our past r guru yg pling bharga skali...tnpa pngalamn,idup yg kite lalui ni,mcm korg naek bot nak carik harta karun tp xde peta,so,xde r pnunjuk,hence,mati r korg kat tgh2 samudera....(padan muke)....

so hrapan aku,dlm bulan yg pnuh barakah ini,sme2 lah kite bmuhasabah diri kite sndiri..cubelah kite kuar dlm bulan ramadhan dsertai ngan hati yg bersih,kalo xbau busuk,satu kolej bole bau...n biala kite kuar drp ipta/s nnt ngan jdik segolongan insan2 yg bgune...n wlu sebenci manepun kite ngan pngalaman phit mse kat sbpik dlu,mnda2 skrg ni adelah pkara yg pling bharga yg kite ade skrg utk dijadikan tauladan....

ok,so.pd sape2 yg rse ingin bkongsi sbarang pndapat@bantahan,bolela d'utarakan mnerusi comment2 sekalian,,...sesunguhnye,aku mnulis natang ni skadar nak mmenuhi wktu ptgku... okla,aku dah nak blah maen badminton ni..

kite sudahi tazkirah kite ngan tasbih al-kifarah,dan surah al-as.....amin.....

Friday, September 7, 2007

Demolition Lovers-Miss YA all

Demolition Lovers
by My Chemical Romance

Hand in mine, into your icy blues
And then I'd say to you we could take to the highway
With this trunk of ammunition too
I'd end my days with you in a hail of bullets

I'm trying, I'm trying
To let you know just how much you mean to me
And after all the the things we put each other through and

I would drive on to the end with you
A liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full
And I feel like there's nothing left to do
But prove myself to you and we'll keep it running

But this time, I mean it
I'll let you know just how much you mean to me
As snow falls on desert sky
Until the end of everything
I'm trying, I'm dying
To let you know how much you mean
As days fade, and nights go
And we grow cold

Until the end, until this pool of blood
Until this, I mean this, I mean this
Until the end of...

I'm trying, I'm trying
To let you know how much you mean
As days fade, and nights grow
And we go cold

But this time, we'll show them
We'll show them all how much we mean
As snow falls on desert sky
Until the end of every...

All we are, all we are
Is bullets I mean this

As lead rains, will pass on through our phantoms
Forever, forever
Like scarecrows that fuel this flame we're burning
Forever, and ever
Know how much I want to show you you're the only one
Like a bed of roses there's a dozen reasons in this gun

And as we're falling down, and in this pool of blood
And as we're touching hands, and as we're falling down
And in this pool of blood, and as we're falling down
I'll see your eyes, and in this pool of blood
I'll meet your eyes, I mean this forever

-Another Year Another Mile-

Aku paling beriye skali...

Dari kiri: Afifah (INTEC UiTM), Ainul Madina (INTEC UiTM), Harith (CenFoS IIUM), Joe (SUNWAY UC), Meran (INTEC UiTM), makhluk hensem (UNITEN), Pie (UNITEN), W Naim (INTI IC).. Tiada dalam gambar: Ainul Arafah (sebab die yang shot)

Tanggal 31 Ogos 2007.. Malaysia menyambut kmerdekaan ke 50 taun. Ari yang spesial untuk 2 orang member kite nie dan sumer warga SBPiK. Afifah & Ainul dengan rasminyer menerbangkan diri ke bumi Jordan untuk sambung study medic.. Kitorang pon tumpang rase bangga sebab skulmet dapat rezki camnie...

30 Ogos
Plan awal nak lpak 5 orang tapi W Naim terpakse mnarik didri di saat-saat akhir.. Ade masalah teknikal yang tak dapat dielakkan. So kitorang berempat pon merayau-rayau tak tentu hala. Gather kat Bandar Tasik Selatan, pastu trus gi Putrajaya. Sambut malam merdeka kat situ. Meriah bleh tahan.. Ade awek cun nyanyi kat pentas wat persembahan.. Mleleh air liur Jumasri nengok (HAHAHA). Pastu tengok bunga api mletup-letup di angkasaraya dkat 30 minit sampai lenguh medula oblongata aku. Abis majlis, dkat pkul 1 pagi, lpak kdai mamak.. Borak punyer borak tak tido la kitorang..

31 Ogos
Kitorang sambung naik tren ke KLIA. Sampai sane lbeh kurang pkul 6.30 pagi.. Semangat siot. Tunggu punyer tunggu, akhirnyer dapat la kitorang bersemuka dengan 2 insan terpilih tersebut.. Berserta ngan W Naim & Harith (dari mane ntah diorang nie.. tetibe je..) Borak-borak sket, ambik gambar sket.. Pastu diorang pon naik flight. Harith trus balik IIUM, Naim naik KTM ngan kitorang skali tapi turun kat UKM. Joe ngan Meran lpak apartmen UNITEN 2 ari 1 malam.. Ha ha ha.. Best siot. Bukan nyer slalu ade guest datang nak jenguk aku ngan Pie kat sini.. Bapak huru-hara nyer kitorang..

1 September
Di hari yang mulia ini kitorang pon bersurailah menuju haluan hidup masing-masing...

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